What is Cyber Security? A Comprehensive Guide

What is Cyber Security?

Today, over half of the world’s population has access to the internet. Mobile phone subscriptions today are at 8 billion globally, meaning that there are more cell phones in the world than there are people. The number of smart devices used globally that are constantly collecting, analysing and sharing data is expected to reach 50 billion by 2030. It’s clear that the world is becoming more and more reliant on technology for daily activities and interconnectedness than ever before. While this use of technology has allowed a positive impact on daily activities for people and organisations, the addition of new technologies and devices allows more room and devices for cyber-attacks. Cyber security is becoming ever more essential as a defence and coping strategy for all your devices against malicious attacks.

What is Cyber Security?

Cisco defines cybersecurity as the practice of protecting all systems, networks and programs from digital attacks. It is essential in protecting systems, networks and programs from any unauthorised access or criminal use, protecting data and ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of such data. These cyber-attacks can range from attempting to extort money from people or businesses to wiping away important files like family photos that may never be recovered. Whether it’s personal data or organisational data, implementing effective cyber security measures and a plan of action for a potential breach is essential. Creating these plans of action can be particularly challenging today because there are more and more devices and access points that are becoming vulnerable to attackers.

Types of Cyber Security:

Cyber security can be categorised into types:

  • Critical infrastructure security
  • Application security
  • Network security
  • Cloud security
  • Internet of Things security

The Complexity of Cyber Security Layers

Cyber security becomes complex in an organisational setting as there must be multiple layers of protection spread across computers, networks, programs, data and devices that an organisation needs to protect. In an organisation, people, processes and technology must all be protected cybersecurity protection strategies. It is essential that these strategies integrate and create a unified threat management system.

  • People
    • All users of ICT within an organisation must understand, comply with and practice basic data security principles. Some basic principles include:
      • Being wary of suspicious emails and attachments
      • Choosing strong passwords and not using password duplicates
      • Backing up data regularly
    • Process:
      • All organisations should establish a plan that can be used to handle both attempted and successful cyber-attacks. A solid cyber incident response plan should be able to help with identifying and detecting potential cyber-attacks, protecting all ICT systems from such attacks and response and recovery plans should an attack be successful.
    • Technology:
      • Ensuring that you have the right cyber security tools in your belt is of the utmost importance in creating ICT security. All endpoint devices like computers, smart devices, routers, networks and cloud must be protected. Technologies that can aid in protecting devices include antivirus software, firewalls, malware protection and email security solutions.

Types of Cyber Threats:

Types of cyber threats that organisations and personnel can watch out for include:

  • Phishing: Usually sent in the form of fraudulent emails that resemble legitimate sources. In order to avoid these scams, ensure that the emails you receive are coming from a legitimate email address, otherwise move it to junk. Never give any personal or business information through email, or confirm if this information is essential for sharing by calling the contact directly.
  • Ransomware: A type of malicious software that holds your files hostage while demanding that a ransom is paid. Remember that paying this ransom does not guarantee recovery or system restoration. The only solution is relying on a backup or protection against ransomware.
  • Malware: A type of malicious software that is designed to gain unauthorized access to cause damage to a computer.
  • Social engineering: A tactic that criminals use to trick people and organisations into sharing personal or sensitive data.

The Importance of Cyber Security for Business:

In today’s connected world, there are so many openings for criminals to take advantage of your personal or organisational data. It is so important for people and business entities to create an advanced cyber defence strategy in order to create safe, secure and operational environments. Imagine if places like supermarket chains, hospitals or government services lost data. Without their services, our society would be severely impacted. Creating secure ICT solutions for such organisations is essential in keeping society functioning.

A secure and solid cyber defence strategy would aid in protecting all categories of data and systems from theft or damage. This can include anything from sensitive data, health information, personal information, intellectual property or government and industry information systems. Should a breach be successful, a defence strategy will also include a response and recovery plan.

 Partnering for Success: How can we help?

BluBiz Solutions is a leader in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, recognised for its excellence in delivering comprehensive ICT Solutions and Managed Services. We empower businesses to thrive in the digital age with a rich portfolio of expertise encompassing Enterprise Networking, Cyber security, Cloud Computing, Collaboration, and Mobility backed by IS0 27001 Certification. From conducting initial audits to charting a comprehensive cyber security roadmap and delivering round-the-clock managed security services, we empower businesses to secure their future, foster growth, and confidently navigate the ever-evolving digital terrain.

Connect with us today and start the conversation on how we can partner with you to develop a robust cyber security roadmap for your business.

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