Strengthening Our Company Culture

Strengthening Our Company Culture

Team Catch

Apr 2023

Team Catch-up: Celebrating Wins, Awards, and Strengthening Our Company Culture

Last week, the BluBiz Solutions team caught up offsite to celebrate our wins, hear from the Executives about the direction of the business, and reconnect with each other on a personal and professional level.

One of the true highlights of the day was hearing the successes and wins from the team, particularly the strides made on behalf of our clients. Our team really lit up when speaking about what they have been able to achieve, and it was wonderful to see their passion and pride. We took this opportunity to deliver awards to four members, in recognition of their amazing work.

Our catchup also helped us to keep our company culture strong. By revisiting the values and principles that guide our work, we were able to realign ourselves with our core beliefs and remind ourselves of the great things we can achieve when we collaborate. As a company, we hold ourselves to a set of guiding principles that include Client Focus, Respect, Trust and Transparency, and Thought Leadership. These values form the bedrock of our business culture and inform every decision we make.

We are eagerly looking ahead to the future and the many victories we know we can achieve for our clients with our incredible team at our side!